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I was born at 27 weeks and 5 days. My mommy was very sick and had developed Preeclampsia, which led me to have an early exit date. I was 2lbs 9oz at birth and needed a lot of help once I got here. I needed a blood transfusion in my first days of life and a machine to help me breathe. I also had a feeding tube and many IV's to help me get the nutrients I needed. As I got older everything slowly started to come off, I started taking the bottle and boob, then I began breathing on my own. I spent my first Halloween in the NICU. My journey ended after a long 8 weeks of care and I've been healthy and happy at home ever since.

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I'm turning 10 this year

February 20th, 2021: I'm turning 10 this year, just like GiFT! I was 8 months old when I came home from the hospital for the first time. After all those months with breathing problems, I decided to take out my own breathing tube at home. It scared Mom but I didn't need it anymore. At 4 years old, I became a big brother and no longer needed a feeding tube. Now, I'm a 4th grader and I love the outdoors! I'm learning to play chess and I love to travel. I still have some breathing issues but it's not holding me back from being athletic, I play basketball, soccer, and track.

Growing Up and Making Strides!

No more trach!

Hi everyone, I'm such a big boy now! I finally got my trach removed and am doing awesome at home with my family. I have learned so many things over the last year and am very excited about the special appointment coming very soon to have the doctors remove my g-tube.

Getting Bigger and Healthier

October 10, 2011: I weigh over 13 pounds now and am getting healthier everyday.  I moved to a special hospital for children until the cold & flu season is over.  Hopefully by then I will not need my ventilator anymore & can go home to my family!

Recovering From Surgery

September 13, 2011: I’ve recovered from my most recent surgery & am breathing by myself for almost 4 hours at a time!

Still Growing

August 26, 2011: I’ve been in the hospital for 3 months now and have more obstacles to overcome before I’m ready to go home. I’m still growing and tip the scales at 10 lbs &10 oz now.

Meet Destination Home Family #1

August 8, 2011: Hi!  The nurses & doctors have been taking good care of me at St. Louis Children’s Hospital but I’m looking forward to the day I can go home!  It will be the first time in my life that I’ve been outside.  I’ve got some breathing problems so I’ll be bringing my oxygen with me.  I’ve got a special tube in my belly to make sure I get enough to eat...I almost weigh 9 pounds so it must be working!  The doctors say I get to go home when my breathing is better so I’m working hard on getting strong!

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Meet Destination Home Family 95

I'm almost 10 months old and have been through a whole lot. Here's my story...

My Mom had a normal pregnancy. All my ultrasounds showed a normal baby. I kicked, and flipped, and did everything a baby does in the womb. Everything changed on my birthday when I came out blue and lifeless. I cried a little and then was swooped away from my Mom. While Mom was recovering from her C-section, the medical team was trying to figure out how to make me better. They told Mom & Dad that I was really sick and needed to go to St. Louis Children's Hospital for specialized care. I only got to see my parents for a short time before I left. A few days later when Mom and Dad got to see me again, the doctors told them that I have cancer. It was a neuroblastoma tumor pushing on my airway that made it hard for me to breath. I've had 4 rounds of chemo, each 21 days apart. I've also had surgery to repair my little heart, a tracheostomy to help me breath, and a G-button to make sure I get all my nutrition. I am getting stronger every day and am SOO close to being able to go home with my family.

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