I was born this past May at 24 weeks gestation weighing only 1lb 4oz. I had a very rough start and it took time to diagnose my Scimitar Syndrome. It is extremely rare and doctors could not find a documented case in a preemie or extremely low birth weight baby. I needed open heart surgery but was not big enough or healthy enough. The doctors wanted me to weigh about 5lbs before they would operate.
In September, I reached 5lbs and was ready for my big surgery. The operation went well but my lungs are not fully developed and my left lung is small. In October I had another surgery for a Tracheostomy, a Gastrostomy Button (G-Button), and hernia repair. I've also had multiple eye surgeries and procedures for Retinopathy of Prematurity. The doctors think the vision in my right eye will be saved.
I'm doing better every day but need a ventilator to help me breathe. My family feels extremely blessed that I am getting stronger and healthier. I am happy to have many wonderful people who care for me!