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DH14 Full Story

Hi, December is my birthday month and I'm turning two years old! I'm still in the hospital but doing well. I'm working on changes with my breathing tube.

After being home for only 1 week, I got sick and took an ambulance to the hospital. I got better and went home but then had an allergic reaction to a shot and ended up back in the hospital again. I'm still here and have been very sick, going in and out of the ICU. I was paralyzed and sedated for a week to help me stabilize. 

Since then I've been feeling pretty good, considering, and am back to using my home vent. I've gotten pneumonia and am not tolerating my feedings. I'll be going to a rehabilitation hospital for a few weeks to help get back on track. I've been having trouble sitting and grabbing things these days.

Despite all of this, I'm happy as ever and growing like a weed. I'm already in 24 month shirts and 3 pants and shorts!

I celebrated my first Birthday in the hospital then FINALLY got to go home with my family when I was about 13 months old. Things are really different at home and so much better! I get to be closer to my big brothers and Mom & Dad all the time now. I keep getting bigger and stronger, I weigh 20 pounds and am 23 inches tall. Can you believe I only weighed 1 pound, 1 ounce when I was born? I've been through a lot and know that I'm loved and special :)

In one month, I'll celebrate my first birthday and the medical team is finally talking about sending me HOME! Mom, Dad, my big brothers, and my whole family are so excited! 

I'll be taking a ventilator home with me but my lungs are getting better and stronger everyday. The ventilator setting are low and I can breath on my own for 8 hours a day. 

I'm getting bigger everyday, I weigh 18.5 pounds, and I love to smile :)

Mom & Dad are hard at work getting my room ready at home, I can't wait!

I was moved to a room with a window and am loving the sunshine :) The surgeons put a special tube in my stomach back in August and it's helping me grow big and strong, I weigh over 15 pounds now! My ventilator settings and oxygen are coming down little by little and I haven't needed antibiotics in awhile.  As you can see, I've been smiling a lot and love my primary nurses.

I've been very sick this week, I have pneumonia again and a virus.  The doctors and nurses are doing all they can to keep me comfortable and my ventilator is helping me breathe.  I'm having my heart checked out today.  Because I'm not feeling well, my Mom, Dad, and brothers have been very sad.  Mom is asking for prayers and well wishes for me and the whole family.

I'm 5 months old and weigh 9 and a half pounds!  The medical team is turning  down my ventilator settings and I’m doing good.  The doctors have been talking to Mom about bringing me home and we are all soo excited.  My Mom & Dad are learning how to take care of my special breathing tube, there's lots to learn before I'm ready to leave the hospital.  My family has moved back into our house after the fire so they are starting to get things ready for me there.  Yay!  

I’ve been having more troubles with my breathing and had to have surgery this week.  The doctors put in a special tube to help me get more air to my lungs and it seems to be working because my breathing machine settings are lower now.  I’m a fighter and keep overcoming hurdles.  I’ve even outgrown my premie clothes and tip the scales at 6 pounds 11 ounces. 

Since I've been growing, I'm big enough for premie clothes.  My nurse and my Mom dressed me in this cute purple dress for a photo shoot on Friday. 

I've gotten pneumonia again and have been very sick for the last few days.  The settings on my ventilator are high and I'm getting a lot of medication right now.  Things are very unstable for me now, but I am strong and fighting with everything I have!

Because a lot of people have been working hard, my family gets to move back home next weekend.  

My family is asking for prayers and well wishes from everyone, please take a moment for us today.

I was born 4 months too early weighing 1 pound, 1 ounce and my lungs didn't have a chance to fully develop.  I'm 2 months old now and have needed a ventilator to help me breath my whole life.  My doctors say that my lungs were damaged by pneumonia and that I'm very sick, but I am strong and I keep fighting everyday.  Mom, Dad, and my 3 big brothers are always there for me but our house had a fire and things have been very hard for them too.  Everyone was safe from the fire but everything in our home was lost.  Lucky for us, we still have love, and faith, and hope, and each other.  I'll have to stay in the NICU for awhile longer and my family will not be able to move back home for couple of months.  My family and I are asking for prayers.

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